How CompTIA Custom Training is Supporting Workforce

More than 38 million Americans are out of work due to COVID-19 - the highest unemployment numbers since the Great Depression. Workforce boards around the country are dealing with new challenges including restructuring the job training services and programs they offer.
Mark Plunkett, Senior Director, Strategic Business Development & Training Operations, Custom Training Solutions for CompTIA, works closely with workforce boards. They are sharing with him their struggles but also expressing optimism about how they can use this time to be more innovative. During a recent video discussion with Julian Alvarez, Commissioner, representing Texas Workforce Commission; Dale Robertson, Director, Workforce Initiatives with the Texas Workforce Commission and Mardy Leathers, Director, Workforce Development, State of Missouri, Plunkett commended the boards for their efforts and the strides they are taking as their work is absolutely critical to the individuals within their communities.

“Lots of in person training stopped overnight with COVID-19 and it’s been a tough time for many navigating the new landscape and seeing how they can make the best of the situation,” Plunkett stated. “We found out that some communities and boards were not set up for virtual offerings but that others were actually further ahead and have been able to flip the switch to move some of the offerings to being virtual.”
More Info: what jobs can you get with an a+ certification


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