What kind of questions are on the A+ certification test?
To be successful in your A+ certification you need to know what kind of question formats you should expect on the A+ certification test. There are two main question types, multiple-choice and interactive questions. The multiple-choice in its turn are of two types multiple choice single answer and multiple choice with multiple answers. The interactive questions come in four different “flavors” (see below) but the, by far, most important is the performance-based questions (PBQ). These are the real hands-on questions where A+ tests your skills rather than just your knowledge.
Multiple choice – single answer
This is the most familiar of the question types you’ll see. These are questions that require a single response you provide by clicking the radio button next to your choice.
Hopefully, you’ve seen this type in your studies to this point. It is a straightforward question that requires you to know the correct term or phrase and enter it in the answer field. Depending on the question your response should be complete and use the correct command syntax or utility. In the example here you are asked to use the Linux command to change the owner of a file. Since there is no other information in the question like “Change the Owner of a file to user 502 – or – Mikeb” The only feasible response is chown. The majority of responses will be no more than three words.
Multiple choice – single answer
This is the most familiar of the question types you’ll see. These are questions that require a single response you provide by clicking the radio button next to your choice.
Hopefully, you’ve seen this type in your studies to this point. It is a straightforward question that requires you to know the correct term or phrase and enter it in the answer field. Depending on the question your response should be complete and use the correct command syntax or utility. In the example here you are asked to use the Linux command to change the owner of a file. Since there is no other information in the question like “Change the Owner of a file to user 502 – or – Mikeb” The only feasible response is chown. The majority of responses will be no more than three words.
More Info: comptia a+ description
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